Sunday, April 1, 2012

The type or namespace name 'Xrm' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

How To Solve?

Try to change your project to run in .NET Framework 4.0

Right click on your project and click on properties and change your target framework to >NET Framework 4

Problem Solved :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Difference between web application project and website

Main difference comes for compilation.
In web application project, compilation will done at building level and at run time.
but for website only at run time. will provide in detail in few days.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Steps technically in conversion from VS2003 to VS2005

The conversion wizard will then perform a few steps:

  1. Update the project file to be a VS 2005 MSBuild based project file
  2. Add an xhtmlcompliance section within your web.config file to enable "legacy" html rendering
  3. Update your web project to go directly against IIS instead of use FrontPage Server Extensions
  4. Fixup any language changes between .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0

Monday, June 8, 2009

What is System.Reflection?

Reflection enables you to find out information about types in your assemblies during run time. Using reflection, you can find out the details of an object's methods in terms of its access modifier ( private, public etc.), you can discover the name and types of parameters in a methods signature.

If you have used the class browser , then you can get an idea of the sort of information one can retrieve using reflection.

The System.Reflection namespace contains many classes and methods that provide you with the functionality just described above.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Responses to ValidateRequest="false" ?

I'm having to set ValidateRequest="false" on one of my pages because users need to enter a value that contains an html tag (well think it is anyway). I understand why the "potentially dangerous request.form detected" error and why it is being thrown, but my question is:

What could a malicious user possibly do to my application by putting HTML fields within a form field? Is there a vulnerability I should know about in, or would bad coding on my part really only be the thing I need to worry about if ValidateRequest="false".

The main issue is Cross Site Scripting. If your site takes input from the
user and then displays it back to the user without first validating it, you
could potentially allow a bad guy to use your site to which is trusted by
your users to steal their cookies or other data.

The built-in request validation stuff in 1.1 tries to keep you from shooting
yourself in the foot by not allowing you to accidentally do this. If you
are careful, it is safe to turn the behavior off, but you need to make sure
you thoroughly validate all input before returning it back to the browser.
Add validateRequest="false" to your Page directive, eg.:

<%@ Page validateRequest="false" %>

you can add the following to the system.web section of your web.config:

< pages validateRequest="false" />